Data Drop: New LACBC Bike Counts ~ Nov 03

LACBC is just finishing up their latest bike counts. We're providing some ready-to-go shapefile data of their results, plus all the previous bike counts from the UCLA Bicycle Data Clearinghouse.


2014 Collision Data ~ Oct 15

We're providing Los Angeles collision data through 2014, but where does this data come from, and how do you use it?


Why Does USC Have So Many Dangerous Intersections? ~ Sep 01

USC has 4 of the 5 most dangerous intersections for cyclists in Los Angeles.


How to Find LA's Most Dangerous Intersections ~ Aug 13

A step-by-step guide for how we ranked Los Angeles's most dangerous intersections for cyclists using publicly available data.


Collision Heatmap ~ Jul 14

A navigable heatmap of collisions in California that involved cyclists.
