Data Drop: New LACBC Bike Counts

The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition just finished their 2015 bicycle count. Here’s an overview of the sampling sites and the total cyclists counted over time.

Total bikes counted over 15 minute intervals. White dots represent no bicycles seen in the 15 minute interval.
The full datasets below have many more useful attributes, including the direction of travel, does the rider appear to be female, were they riding on the sidewalk.

As usual they have published their data via UCLA’s Bicycle Data Clearinghouse. You can find the raw 2015 counts there, as well as prior counts done by LACBC and other groups.

The clearinghouse does not offer shapefiles, only csv’s, which separate the location data from the count data. So, after a bit of processing, we’re providing them here.

Bike Count Shapefiles

    • 2013 and after bicycle counts. This data has more fields than the earlier counts, including if the cyclist appeared to be a woman, the road surface type, and whether the cyclist was wearing a helmet.
    • Pre-2013 bicycle counts in Los Angeles and the surrounding area.

Source Data

See here for the code used to join the count numbers with their location.

Got plans for this data? Go wild! But I’d love to know what you’re doing with it.